The Lexington Historical Society Colonial Singers

In January 2010 Diane began directing a dozen reenactors and lovers of history in presenting the music enjoyed by American Colonists in the years before and during the Revolution. Their repertoire was as wide as the issues of the 18th century: equality, the meaning of liberty, the scope of government, and the proper role and relations of rulers and subjects, women and men, masters and servants, and husbands and wives. There were colonists and also members of His Majesty's Tenth Regiment of foot, representing both sides in the conflict. Music was an important weapon in the battle for hearts and minds, and many songs were created to encourage either rebellion or loyalty to the crown. The group sings marching songs, passionate ballads, work songs, hymns, drinking songs, lullabyes, and rounds, or "catches" as they were called back then.

In 2015 Diane produced a recording for the Colonial Singers entitled Now Kiss the Cup! Made in the historic Taproom of Buckman Tavern, built in 1710, it recreates of an evening in a Colonial tavern, complete with crackling fire, clinking tankards, snippets of conversation, and rousing songs in praise of spirits – music that echoed off the Taproom's walls in centuries past.

In 2022 Diane produced a second recording for the group, An Abundance of Pastime. It was made in Monroe Tavern and features songs people sang for entertainment or to while away an evening by the fire – amusing ditties about the foibles of women and men, and reflections on life's fleeting joys and sorrows. The group tackles two rounds – a lively, intricate one from a gentleman's drinking club, with music by Henry Purcell, and the sorrowful beauty of "When Jesus Wept," by William Billings.

These recordings are available at the Buckman Tavern Gift Shop in Lexington Center, or from Diane. Contact her at to order.
Theatrical Presentations

In 2017 and 2018 Diane directed a group of LHS members and friends in three performances of John Gay's The Beggars' Opera. This farce, written in London in 1728, is set in a criminal world of beggars, thieves, and ladies of the evening. It makes wicked fun of the widespread corruption of the ruling class, especially politicians. Gay's play was the first musical, sung and spoken in English. He wrote new words for familiar tunes, and the novelty of hearing well-loved melodies in the midst of shocking cynicism captivated the public.

Diane trimmed the play to a manageable size and edited its 60 songs down to 20. She accompanied the songs on her English guitar and took the role of Mrs. Peachum. She delighted in turning her usually tidy singers into wily denizens of the underworld, complete with sooty faces, threadbare clothes, and missing teeth.

The Beggar's Opera was presented as part of an evening of scandal and wit entitled Wicked Revelry, held in the candlelit Lexington Depot. Colonial-era food and drink were available to suggest the atmosphere of a tavern. Taraz led the crowd in some rowdy songs and toasts before the play commenced its gleeful celebration of sin.