Performance Schedule
Songs of the Revolution, in Concord
Sunday, March 23, 3 pmDiane kicks off the first of many events celebrating the 250th anniversary of the start of the American Revolution. This one is part of Concord 250 and sponsored by the Concord Women's Chorus, of which Diane is a member. Enjoy songs from both sides of the conflict, many created to either promote rebellion or loyalty to the crown. Diane pays particular attention to the experiences of those often left out of the records, such as women and enslaved people. Marching tunes, passionate ballads, drinking songs, hymns, laments, and propaganda galore! Diane wears her open-front gown and plays authentic instruments.
First Parish in Concord, 20 Lexington Road, Concord. Suggested donation, $20. Refreshments included.
First Saturday Concert -- Fools in April and Other Seasons
Saturday, April 5, 7:30 pmIn honor of April Fool's Day and fools everywhere, let's forget our worries with some silly songs. Contact Diane if you need the Zoom link.
Arlington 250 Kickoff
Sunday, April 6, 11 to 2 pmStop by the Capitol Theatre for colonial activities, including songs from Diane in her period attire and sparkling conversation as in days of old!
Capitol Theatre, 204 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington.
Songs of the Revolution, in Woburn
Saturday, April 12, 2 pmThe Woburn Library commemorates the 250th anniversary of Woburn's Minutemen marching down Battle Road to Lexington.
45 Pleasant Street, Woburn. Visit
Songs of the Revolution, in Arlington
Sunday, April 13, 3 pmDiane performs in the gorgeous Reading Room of the Robbins Library in Arlington Center, exploring the path to independence through the music of the time. They don't build rooms like this anymore, and the setting and acoustics are perfect! Sponsored by the Friends of Robbins Library.
Robbins Library, 700 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington.
Natick in a Time of Revolution
Sunday, April 27, 2 pmExplore the Natick Historical Society's exhibit of Revolutionary-era artifacts and documents, and enjoy songs with Diane. At the Morse Institute Library, 14 East Central Street, Natick. To register for this free event, visit
Concord Women's Chorus, Spring Concert
Saturday, May 3, 4 pmDiane sings alto with this wonderful group. This concert includes works by women composers commissioned for us.
Trinity Episcopal Church, 81 Elm Street, Concord.