Sing-alongs for Young Children
Diane is an experienced leader of sing-alongs for little ones, delighting them with fun songs, finger-plays, and the chance to bounce to the music. She brings her guitar, her wonderful way with a song, and her friend Lucinda "Twinkletoes" MacGillicuddy, a dancing doll who never fails to fascinate everyone in attendance.
We enjoy such age-old favorites as:

- If You're Happy and You Know It
- The Wheels on the Bus
- Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes
- Where Is Thumbkin?
- The Eensy Weensy Spider
- Pop Goes the Weasel
- Do you Know the Muffin Man?
- Did You Ever See a Lassie?
- Old McDonald
- Working on the Railroad
- Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Diane always does I'm a Little Teapot and her upated version, I'm a Little Microwave. She also sings her own composition, The Bee Song. This call-and-response masterpiece has everything a toddler could want in a song -- joy, tears, drama, pathos, and the triumphant application of a band-aid.
>>> For more information, please contact us.
For a dozen years Diane led weekly or monthly sing-alongs at libraries in Arlington, Reading, and neighboring towns. For six years she ran her own sing-along, renting space at the Calvary Church in Arlington.
Diane's Toddler Songs CD is a big hit among the young. You can get one from Diane directly, or download through Amazon, iTunes, and other outlets. Diane is available to lead sing-alongs at libraries or other venues. Her fees are very reasonable.
Sing-alongs for Bigger People
Diane is happy to lead sing-alongs for adults, or for an audience of all ages. She has a large repertoire of favorites. Here is just a sampling:
- Big Yellow Taxi
- Jamaica Farewell
- The City of New Orleans
- The Garden Song
- The Anti-Garden Song
- Carey
- A Case of You
- Michael, Row the Boat Ashore
- The Dutchman
- Waltzing With Bears
- Summertime
- Sweet Baby James
- Country Roads
- Someday Soon
- If I Only Had a Brain
- Danny Boy
- The Circle Game
- When I'm Sixty-Four