Performance Schedule

First Saturday Concert on the Second Saturday - via Zoom

Saturday, November 9, 7:30 pm
Diane is out of town on the first Saturday of November, so this month's concert will be on the second Saturday. The theme, Gratitude, explores the many ways to embrace the good things in our lives, scarce as they may sometimes be! Contact Diane for the link, or use one from a past concert.

Feckless Hoydens, Melrose

Wednesday, November 13, 7:30 pm
Songs about women behaving in most unexpected ways. Melrose-Wakefield Chapter of the American Association of University Women, First United Methodist Church, 645 Main Street, Melrose. 7 pm.

A Victorian Christmas, Natick

Sunday, December 1, 4 pm
Christmas was a minor holiday before the Victorians created many songs and traditions we enjoy today. Sponsored by the Natick Historical Society. At the Bacon Free Library, 58 Eliot Street, Natick.

A Victorian Christmas, Shrewsbury

Wednesday, December 11, 7 pm
First Congregational Church, 19 Church Street, Shrewsbury.

A Victorian Christmas, Natick

Sunday, December 1, 1 pm
Sponsored by the Littleton Historical Society. At the Reuben Hoar Library, 35 Shattuck Street, Littleton.

Embracing the Darkness, Arlington

Friday, December 13, 7 pm
A contemplative service acknowledging that, for many, this time of year is less than joyous. Enjoy music, poetry, candles, and the sharing of food and fellowship. First Parish Unitarian Universalist of Arlington, 630 Mass. Ave., Arlington Center.

Carols by Candlelight, Arlington

Saturday, December 21, 3 pm
After several years of virtuality Diane's annual holiday concert returns to her living room in Arlington. Reserve your spot by e-mailing Diane. If there is enough interest a second date will be added.

Carols by Candlelight, via Zoom

Saturday, December 21, 7:30 pm
A reprise of Diane's holiday concert, brought to you wherever you are!

Diane with Guitar and Dulcimer